Your Safety is Our Top Priority

You may be concerned about news of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and its implications for your health and those of your loved ones. Your safety and well-being are our top priority.

Please know that:

We are taking all necessary measures and precautions to protect the safety of our patients and staff.

We specialize in the care of patients with complex illnesses especially renal diseases and have experience with managing and containing novel viruses.

This is a rapidly evolving situation and we suggest you check out the latest updates on the SRI Lanka Epidemiology Unit (

Hospital visitor policies have been updated to reflect national efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the Sri Lanka. This policy may change at any time due to the rapidly evolving situation.

  • Maternity, Dialysis and Kidney patients are allowed one companion/visitor.
  • General rule for any Service is to limit the amount of bystanders to 1 or maximum 2 for all services in Western Hospital
  • Visitors to patients at end of life or death will be allowed at the discretion of the care team.

Hospital entry points will be limited to enable screening of visitors. Visitors who show any signs of illness, including mild symptoms, should not visit patients in the hospital or accompany patients to the emergency department.

What is our hospital doing to protect patients?

We are screening patients with symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath and with a history of travel within the past 14 days to communities with widespread or sustained community transmission of the coronavirus.

If we have a confirmed or potential patient with COVID-19, we will institute standard infectious disease protocols, as well as additional measures, to prevent the potential spread of the virus. All healthcare providers who have contact with the patient will use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), following Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka, The World Health Organisation and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.

Watch Our Video :

How concerned should I be about the coronavirus

As of now, the seasonal flu remains a significant health risk.
Coronaviruses can cause the common cold and pneumonia. Most people infected with the novel coronavirus have mild cold symptoms. A small fraction of people, however, may require more intensive care. We understand your concern about protecting yourself from respiratory diseases.

You can undertake a online self-checker done by the CDC for the novel coronavirus. Click the blue “Start Self-Check Assessment” button to launch the self-checker:

Keep informed of the global risk risk by checking the situation update the worldometer : (

What can I do to protect myself?

It is understandable to feel uncertain or anxious during a public health crisis, and we need to remember to avoid making assumptions about others’ perceived symptoms or any characteristics of identity. Currently, vaccines are the only way to prevent the virus. Also the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

Here are the current CDC reccommendations to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses : (

Take everyday preventive actions for respiratory infections, such as avoiding close contact with people who are sick, staying home when sick, and washing hands often.
Avoid traveling to places with widespread or sustained community transmission of the coronavirus. A good place for reliable travel information can be found on the CDC’s travel advisory page.(

Should I wear a mask?

The Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka encourage wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.

Where can I learn more?

Concerned patients and family members should talk with their healthcare provider.
You can also find more information about the virus from these websites.


Ministry Of Health of Sri Lanka : ( Sri Lanka Epidemiology Unt.


CDC/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


World Health Organization.
